
We develop strategies that enable enzymes to catalyze reactions that are currently unknown in nature.

We are working to establish visible light irradiation as a general strategy for unlocking new catalytic functions from enzymes. Using the redox formalisms commonly used by synthetic chemists, we can design valuable chemical reactions that nature has never envisioned that solve long standing challenges in chemical synthesis.

Discovering versatile biocatalysis that can be used to accelerate the synthesis of drugs and agrochemicals.

Based in the Frick Chemistry Laboratory at Princeton University, the Hyster lab integrates the fields of organic synthesis, organometallic chemistry, chemical biology, and protein engineering to develop new biocatalytic reactions that solve longstanding selectivity challenges and expand how enzymes can be used to achieve sustainable chemical synthesis.

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Using photoenzymatic catalysis to unlock new synthetic reactions.

Our approach provides access to enantioselective transformations involving radicals that are currently unmatched by organocatalysts and transition metal catalysts.

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Harnessing enzymes for streamlined organic synthesis.

We use the retrosynthetic disconnections available to enzymes to accelerate the synthesis of molecules with medicinal and biological relevance.

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Building artificial enzymes with emergent functions.

We are merging enzymes with transition metal complexes to develop biohydrids with functions that are unrealized by either the enzyme or metal alone.

Recent publications.

  • Emergence of a distinct mechanism of C–N bond formation in photoenzymes

    Felix C. Raps, Ariadna Rivas-Souchet, Chey M. Jones, Todd K. Hyster

    Nature 2024.

    Publication Abstract

    C–N bond formation is integral to modern chemical synthesis due to the ubiquity of nitrogen heterocycles in small-molecule pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. Alkene hydroamination with unactivated alkenes is an atom economical strategy for constructing these bonds. However, these reactions are challenging to render asymmetric when preparing fully substituted carbon stereocenters. Here, we report a photoenzymatic alkene hydroamination to prepare 2,2-disubstituted pyrrolidines by a Baeyer-Villiger Monooxygenase. Five rounds of protein engineering afforded a mutant, providing excellent product yield and stereoselectivity. Unlike related photochemical hydroaminations, which rely on the oxidation of the amine or alkene for C–N bond formation, this work exploits a through-space interaction of a reductively generated benzylic radical and the nitrogen lone pair. This antibonding interaction lowers the oxidation potential of the radical, enabling electron transfer to the flavin cofactor. Experiments indicate that the enzyme microenvironment is essential in enabling a novel C–N bond formation mechanism with no parallel in small molecule catalysis. Molecular dynamics simulations were performed to investigate the substrate in the enzyme active site which further support this hypothesis. This work is a rare example of an emerging mechanism in non-natural biocatalysis, where an enzyme has access to a mechanism that its individual components do not. Our study showcases the potential of enhancing emergent mechanisms using protein engineering to provide unique mechanistic solutions to unanswered challenges in chemical synthesis.

  • Synergistic Photoenzymatic Catalysis Enables Synthesis of a-Tertiary Amino Acids Using Threonine Aldolases

    Yao Ouyang, Claire Page, Catherine Bliodeau, Todd K. Hyster

    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 20, 13754–13759.

    Publication Abstract

    a-Tertiary amino acids are essential components of drugs and agrochemicals, yet traditional syntheses are step-intensive and provide access to a limited range of structures with varying levels of enantioselectivity. Here, we report the α-alkylation of unprotected alanine and glycine by pyridinium salts using pyridoxal (PLP)-dependent threonine aldolases with a Rose Bengal photoredox catalyst. The strategy efficiently prepares various a-tertiary amino acids in a single chemical step as a single enantiomer. UV-vis spectroscopy studies reveal a ternary interaction between the pyridinium salt, protein, and photocatalyst, which we hypothesize is responsible for localizing radical formation to the protein active site. This method highlights the opportunity for combining photoredox catalysts with enzymes to reveal new catalytic functions for known enzymes.

  • From Ground-State to Excited-State Activation Modes: Flavin-Dependent “Ene”-Reductases Catalyzed Non-natural Radical Reactions

    Haigen Fu and Todd K. Hyster

    Acc. Chem. Res. 2024, 57, 9, 1446–1457.

    Publication Abstract

    Enzymes are desired catalysts for chemical synthesis, because they can be engineered to provide unparalleled levels of efficiency and selectivity. Yet, despite the astonishing array of reactions catalyzed by natural enzymes, many reactivity patterns found in small molecule catalysts have no counterpart in the living world. With a detailed understanding of the mechanisms utilized by small molecule catalysts, we can identify existing enzymes with the potential to catalyze reactions that are currently unknown in nature. Over the past eight years, our group has demonstrated that flavin-dependent “ene”-reductases (EREDs) can catalyze various radical-mediated reactions with unparalleled levels of selectivity, solving long-standing challenges in asymmetric synthesis.

    This Account presents our development of EREDs as general catalysts for asymmetric radical reactions. While we have developed multiple mechanisms for generating radicals within protein active sites, this account will focus on examples where flavin mononucleotide hydroquinone (FMNhq) serves as an electron transfer radical initiator. While our initial mechanistic hypotheses were rooted in electron-transfer-based radical initiation mechanisms commonly used by synthetic organic chemists, we ultimately uncovered emergent mechanisms of radical initiation that are unique to the protein active site. We will begin by covering intramolecular reactions and discussing how the protein activates the substrate for reduction by altering the redox-potential of alkyl halides and templating the charge transfer complex between the substrate and flavin-cofactor. Protein engineering has been used to modify the fundamental photophysics of these reactions, highlighting the opportunity to tune these systems further by using directed evolution. This section highlights the range of coupling partners and radical termination mechanisms available to intramolecular reactions.

    The next section will focus on intermolecular reactions and the role of enzyme-templated ternary charge transfer complexes among the cofactor, alkyl halide, and coupling partner in gating electron transfer to ensure that it only occurs when both substrates are bound within the protein active site. We will highlight the synthetic applications available to this activation mode, including olefin hydroalkylation, carbohydroxylation, arene functionalization, and nitronate alkylation. This section also discusses how the protein can favor mechanistic steps that are elusive in solution for the asymmetric reductive coupling of alkyl halides and nitroalkanes. We are aware of several recent EREDs-catalyzed photoenzymatic transformations from other groups. We will discuss results from these papers in the context of understanding the nuances of radical initiation with various substrates.

    These biocatalytic asymmetric radical reactions often complement the state-of-the-art small-molecule-catalyzed reactions, making EREDs a valuable addition to a chemist’s synthetic toolbox. Moreover, the underlying principles studied with these systems are potentially operative with other cofactor-dependent proteins, opening the door to different types of enzyme-catalyzed radical reactions. We anticipate that this Account will serve as a guide and inspire broad interest in repurposing existing enzymes to access new transformations.

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Our team.

The Hyster Lab is led by Principal Investigator, Todd Hyster. Our research team comprises a group of exceptional post-doctoral associates and fellows, graduate students, and undergraduates.

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